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“She taught us to paint Jesus with our own colors.”

A thought by Max Lucado (2011-05-02) from his book, Cure for the Common Life  (p. 51). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) Max starts this chapter with, “Tucked away in the cedar chest of my memory is the image of a robust and rather rotund children’s Bible class teacher in a small West Texas church.” He continues, “Here is why I tell you about her. She enjoyed giving us each a can of crayons and a sketch of Jesus torn from a coloring book. We each had our own can, mind you, reassigned from cupboard duty to classroom. What had held peaches or spinach now held a dozen or so Crayolas. ‘Take the crayons I gave you,’ she would instruct, ‘and color Jesus.’ And so we would. We didn’t illustrate pictures of ourselves; we colored the Son of God. We didn’t pirate crayons from other cans; we used what she gave us. This was the fun of it. ‘Do the best you can with the can you get.’ No blue for the sky? Make it purple. If Jesus’s hai

“I’m rich enough—a phrase on the verge of extinction.”

A thought by Max Lucado (2011-05-02) from his book, Cure for the Common Life   (p. 42). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) I know, that thought probably won’t stop a lot of people to see what it means as much as the thought, I’m not rich enough – I need more but it is a very good thought.   Max says, “We love to super-size our french fries, television screens, and closets—and I’ve wondered what my dad would say about my penchant for $3.45 lattes.” He goes on, “A businessman bought popcorn from an old street vendor each day after lunch. He once arrived to find the peddler closing up his stand at noon. ‘Is something wrong?’ he asked. A smile wrinkled the seller’s leathery face. ‘By no means. All is well.’ ‘Then why are you closing your popcorn stand?’   ‘So I can go to my house, sit on my porch, and sip tea with my wife.’ The man of commerce objected. ‘But the day is still young. You can still sell.’   ‘No need to,’ the

“You are heaven’s Halley’s comet; we have one shot at seeing you shine.”

A thought by Max Lucado (2011-05-02) from his book, Cure for the Common Life  (p. 33). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to to buy the book.) Here is the whole thought by Max.   He says, “You are heaven’s Halley’s comet; we have one shot at seeing you shine. You offer a gift to society that no one else brings. If you don’t bring it, it won’t be brought.” He then says, “Consider a wacky example of this truth.   I jogged through my neighbor-hood the other day under a cloud. Not a cloud of rain, but a cloud of self-doubt. The challenges of life seemed to outnumber the resources, and I questioned my ability. And, quite frankly, I questioned God’s wisdom. Are you sure I’m the right man for this job? was the theme of my prayer.” “Apparently God really wanted to give me an answer, because I heard one. From on high. From a deep, booming voice. ‘You’re doing a good job!’ I stopped dead in my Reeboks and looked up. Seeing nothing in the clouds, I